Khader Photography- PROM 2011


Dear pedophile, age is just a number? sincerely, so is 911.
Dear single women,  
Every time I find a guy who seems perfect, he's straight. Stop complaining.
Sincerely, frustrated gay man.
Dear world,
We would get off the couch if we had legs.
Dear early bird who got the worm,
It's okay, I prefer pancakes.
Dear sheep,
So which one of you is going to give me sleeping pills?

Dear government officials,
Thank you for spending incredible amounts of time and money shutting down Limewire and arresting all those who downloaded. Those music thieves are much more dangerous than murderers, rapists, and robbers.
trick people into thinking you're good looking

‎"Indian women are rated as one of the most gorgeous kind of women in the world...but something happens at middle age....they become a Ghandi" 

Favorite links - Visit that site for more of funny awkward moments. 

-"Tha awkward moment when Justin Bieber breathes in helium and nothing changes." 
-"When Eminem ties you to the bed, but his lighter isn't working."
-"When you come back to class from the bathroom and everyone is staring at you."
-"When you start telling a story and realize no one is listening so you slowly fade out and pretend you never
said anything."
-when Nigeria versus Germany and the scoreboard says Nig-Ger
-when Kanye steals the microphone and you realize that Taylor is infact NOT Swift
-when everyone has to wait for the party to start because Kesha’s late.
-when you open your closet and find Justin Bieber.
-when someone posts pictures from a party and you’re in the background of all of them, by yourself.
-when someone’s comment on your facebook status has more likes than your actual status.
-when you actually understand Inception
-when you realize that it took Akon 4 years to go from “I wanna f*ck you” to “I just had sex”
-when; LMFAO doesn’t get crazy, Rihanna remembers her name, & Eminem is actually afraid
-when an atheist sneezes, and you say, ‘god bless you.’
-When you feel you’ve written the most LEGENDARY Facebook status ever….and nobody is “liking” or commenting. 
-when your girlfriend wants you to go on the ‘Maury’ show with her.
-when you have to hide your kids, hide your wife, AND your husband because some fool is rapin’ urrbody up in here.
-when you see Tom on facebook.
-when Akon is trying to find the words to describe you without being disrespectful and then calls you a sexy bitch
-when you’re a girl getting your eyebrows waxed, and the lady asks if you want your mustache waxed as well.
-when you’re peeing and your dick touches the water.
-when you break up with Taylor Swift and she writes a song about it.
-when you’re on messenger and you realize the only ‘online’ icon is you.
-when your girlfriend starts dancing to ‘Single Ladies’.
-when you want to just submit your life to
-when you’re eating a hamburger in front of your pet cow.
-when you’re making scrambled eggs and Michael Jackson tells you to beat it
-when you hop out of bed and forget to turn your swag on.
-when you touch MC hammer
-When you buy a pineapple, bring it home, and cut into it, only to realize that it is inhabited by a sea sponge wearing pants and his pet snail.
-when you’re trying to make a milkshake and all the boys come to your yard.
-when Shakira’s hips lie.
-when you don't belong with Taylor Swift
-when Eminem tells you he’s afraid

‘Oh Eminem, I love the way you lie’
                                                     Kevin Hart: Kids (Stand up)
*Nothing's better then stand up comedy. I love it. 

                                                            Saudi's in Audis

          Tuts My Barreh (Touch My Body) Korean Karaoke fail 

The Club Can't Handle Me Right Now (Indian Style)

Angry Asian Restaurant Prank Call- OwnagePranks

GloZelle- Alejandro translation

Teach Me How To Debke