Khader Photography- PROM 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

The mind is such an exaggerator.

The mind is such an exaggerator....Especially when it comes to wishes within our hearts. Sometimes we long for something for a grand amount of time, and go to bed really wishing and praying for it, because of the beautiful portrait we've painted in our minds of it. We think of it as the answer of all our problems, and make it seem like the one perfect thing we need, we over-exaggerate since we only see the outsider perspective of it.

We brainwash ourselves.

Then, finally, you get it. It doesn't seem as perfect. We've sugarcoated it in our minds so much, because we really don't have any general knowledge on how things really are. Suddenly, you're an insider. You see the realistic side, not necessarily the pessimistic side. Something that I've been wishing for isn't truly as great, and i'm glad, because now I don't have to fight to attain the "greatness" of it, and I got closure and insight. Some of the things we wish for, aren't as good as they seem, so don't waste all of your time on it. You could be blinded by your desires--- if you've only seen it from an outsider view. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Art 24/7 360

I love this link for fashion inpsiration!

^ Ideal pet
                                           You'd be so much happier, honestly!

 *Your thoughts= your reality.

 oh heyyyy
 They should make snooki shaped doritos....

Always make the simple-simply elegant

 jewelry makes a simple outfit, the best outfit

Volumized hair=sexxxayyy

 A picture my aunt took in egypt---I used to have these as pets when  i was little! They're such cute little chicks!

                           Like, OMG. People have ACTUAL worries. Not worries like if their coffee is brewed right or what not. Open your eyes, and realize this.
Exactly, Stop complaining about your life, you have it way better than most. 

 Love this icecreamm!

 Please send this elephant over for my next photoshoot!

Yeah I'll put this on my bucketlist