Khader Photography- PROM 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Gift of Appreciation ©

                   The Gift Of Appreciation
You could have all the gifts in the world, and get everything you ask for, but if you’re not blessed with the gift of appreciation, all those gifts are equivalent to nothing. It’s so sad to know, that a lot of people aren’t blessed with that gift of appreciation, and they only end up wanting more and more. So if I need to do anything, it’s to thank god for this wonderful gift he gave me. Everyone has a gift inside them. Those who appreciate it, focus on that gift, and really make something of themselves in life. Those that don’t appreciate it don’t know it’s there. They waste their time being jealous of other people and their talents and gifts. You could have the best thing in the world, and not know it, simply because you don’t appreciate it. Then it’s taken away from you, and you learn the hard way. The gift of appreciation defeats all other gifts on this earth. Appreciation is the thin line between enlightenment and sadness. Unlike other tangible gifts, the gift of appreciation brings forth other gifts like love, and life into your daily experience. You will never be happy, if you don’t appreciate things. I know for a fact, everyone is doing what they are doing, to attain happiness. They want this, and that, and wish for a change of conditions, and all that stuff. That’s not how you attain happiness. To attain happiness, you have to appreciate what you have; instead of torture yourself with constantly wishing you had something. The one thing you need to appreciate most in life, are the dark times that god puts you through. They are the times when you feel most ungrateful. God does things for us, not to us. So next time you’re going through a dark time, thank god, for he is only trying to make you better, not bitter. Happy Thanksgiving :)

xoxo, Khadereverywherewego

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Beauty spot: top beauty tips - Telegraph

Beauty spot: top beauty tips - Telegraph
Fave tips from this article:
'Instead of using hot water when steaming your face, use hot milk. Heat the milk to boiling point, pour into a warm bowl and place a towel over your head for the ultimate steam cleanse. The lactic acid in the milk decongests the pores, leaving your skin beautifully clear'
10 loves

'Instead of using hot water when steaming your face, use hot milk. Heat the milk to boiling point, pour into a warm bowl and place a towel over your head for the ultimate steam cleanse. The lactic acid in the milk decongests the pores, leaving your skin beautifully clear'
Ruby Hammer - make-up artist

'If you want radiant skin without having to book in for a facial, just head to your kitchen. Spread natural yogurt all over your face and leave on for 20 minutes to brighten the skin. Wash it off, wrap some ice cubes in a muslin cloth and rub them all over your face to refresh and de-puff'
Sarah Chapman - facialist

'For a DIY pedicure, start with a foot scrub of rock salt mixed with body lotion. Apply to dry skin, focusing on calloused areas and the nails, too. Fresh lemon juice whitens nails, so apply with cotton-wool, then use a soft cloth to buff them. Finally, finish with a bright varnish'

'Always protect your hair in the sun. Hats or scarves are best, followed by treatments containing sunblock. The sun's rays break down the molecular structure of hair, which, unlike skin, doesn't appear to recover within a few weeks. Long hair can take years to renew.'

'Sleep on a silk-covered pillow to keep skin hydrated and crease-free. Unlike cotton, silk doesn't wick away moisture and is naturally hypoallergenic. Don't let all your lovingly applied products be absorbed by your bed linen!'

'If you plan to wax at home before jetting off on holiday, do it at least 24 hours before - this allows time for your skin to settle down before exposing it to the sun. Always peel off wax strips in the opposite direction of hair growth, and be sure to apply sunscreen to protect skin.'

'Have you ever noticed how spotty skin seems much clearer after swimming in the sea? To recreate the effect at home try soaking a towel in comfortably hot salt water, then lay it on the spotty area for 10 minutes or so. This should clarify skin on the face, chest and back.'
Stella beauty team

'To conceal dark under-eye circles properly, you'll need two products. First, correct the dark blue tones with a pink-toned concealer. Then use a yellow-toned concealer over the top, to lighten the darkness and make the area the same colour as the rest of your face.'

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lupe Fiasco - Beautiful Lasers (2 Ways) [feat. MDMA]

I love this website!

The Marketing of Madness (1/18) psychiatry

Psychiatrists really have a way of marketing. If a person has ups and downs they're suddenly bipolar, and if they just lost a loved one they have major depression disorder, and if they're stressed they have anxiety disorder. 99% of the time you go to a psychiatrist they will try to put a "name" on your problem to make it seem worse, and give you drugs. There is no proven way that these drugs work, they impair you even more. Be careful, it's all marketing, and they try to put disorders in your head and make you think that something is wrong with you....almost like you're in the modeling career making skinny girls think they're fat. Watch out!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The mind is such an exaggerator.

The mind is such an exaggerator....Especially when it comes to wishes within our hearts. Sometimes we long for something for a grand amount of time, and go to bed really wishing and praying for it, because of the beautiful portrait we've painted in our minds of it. We think of it as the answer of all our problems, and make it seem like the one perfect thing we need, we over-exaggerate since we only see the outsider perspective of it.

We brainwash ourselves.

Then, finally, you get it. It doesn't seem as perfect. We've sugarcoated it in our minds so much, because we really don't have any general knowledge on how things really are. Suddenly, you're an insider. You see the realistic side, not necessarily the pessimistic side. Something that I've been wishing for isn't truly as great, and i'm glad, because now I don't have to fight to attain the "greatness" of it, and I got closure and insight. Some of the things we wish for, aren't as good as they seem, so don't waste all of your time on it. You could be blinded by your desires--- if you've only seen it from an outsider view.